
The Lazy Artist

Artist who acting under the nickname “Im-another Lazyartist” and who writes a journal in which she explains why she does not produce works of art. The reasons given are different each time and offer many possibilities for art after the work of art. One of her reason: “I won’t create any works of art today because I am spending all of my time explaining why I will not be creating any works of art today.” More Information

Rose Marie Barrientos

Art historian, she is co-founder of the research platform Art & Flux. Being closely involved in both the art and business worlds it is at the confluence of these two spheres that she focuses her research, becoming a specialist in the “relationship between art and economics”. She also spent several years at the Secretariat of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), where she is coordinator of cultural and scientific events. More Information

Gary Bigot

Artist who since 1986 has been developing an approach around the thermo-hygrometer. This device records temperature and humidity and is more or less visible in museums and various places. Functioning as a metaphor, the thermo-hygrometer allows the artist to consider that “everything is made, produced and installed without any intervention on his part”. Working parameters: no production, no promotion, no profit, no property. More Information

Robert Storr

Art critic, writer, curator he was Dean of Yale University School of Art. He says: “Today what the artists do is so varied and wide spread out, that it is really futile to be focused, like in the past, on “major artistic trends”. Considering art, as I do, like a wide estuary composed of numerous branches, with different depths and rates of flow, leads to the conclusion that we can not just follow the largest and the fastest branches.” More Information

Yves Michaud

Philosopher, art critic and university professor. Yves Michaud’s works focus on political philosophy, “the evolution of arts and contemporary culture in a globalized world”, the relationships between the individual and society, on phenomena of inner as well as international violence. He was philosophy professor at the University of Paris I (Sorbonne) and Berkeley (USA). He has been Program Director at the International College of Philosophy and member of the Institut Universitaire de France. More Information

Liliane Viala

Artist who questions the relationship between the notions of “creativity and production beyond art” by conceiving interactions between various fields. By creating disturbances using specific protocols, her actions developed according to the context of corporations reveal dominant modes of sociability and unexpected situations. More Information

Mario Guglielminetti

Economist and business consultant who develops the notion of “para-economy”. He works on new economic models for art and culture. He is Visiting Professor at the University of Turin and at the Institute of Art and Restoration Palazzo Spinelli in Florence. He is General Manager for Fondazione Bottari Lattes. He is also Consultant at the Biennale de Paris. More Information

Ricardo Mbarkho

Artist who explores art language in a religious and geopolitical environment that he uses as a “de-aestheticsized medium”. His major art project is the Lebanese National Tabbouleh Day (JNLT), a project consisting in a annual celebration around Lebanese cuisine. The Lebanese Ministry of Tourism granted its official patronage to the event. JNLT is celebrated by millions of people around the world. It is a post-immaterial art. More Information

Sylvain Soussan

Artist and founder of the Cloud Museum and Soussan Ltd. The Cloud Museum consider “art through the notions of fluid, liquid and nature”. The museum is interested in technologies that reduce carbon or radioactive emissions: wind turbines, tidal turbines, photovoltaics, grey energy. The mobilization of human energy is in itself a resource that the museum proposes to enhance by transforming the perception of works into works of perception. More Information

Hubert Renard

Artist who “constructs his own possible career as an artist”, by accumulating documentation (published or not) in the form of catalogues, posters, invitation cards, photographs of exhibitions, openings, installations, press articles, conferences, epistolary documents, etc. He question the materiality of the artwork and shake up the elements that surround it and make it exist, his “paratext”. More Information

Dylan Gauthier

Artist whose work takes various forms related to “temporary situations and shared experiences”. He is co-founder of Mare Liberum (The Free Seas), a freeform arts collective and civic initiative of publishing and waterfront boat building, based around Gowanus (New York). He frequently collaborates with the Gowanus Studio Space as well as the collective Red76. More Information

Andre Eric Letourneau

Artist who is a laborer and artist of intangible cultural heritage. He pursues a practice engaged under various pseudonyms. His work is about “life experiences based on methodologies traditionally associated with art”. Member of the evaluation committee for New Artistic Practices at the Conseil des arts de Montreal between 2009 and 2012. He is professor at the Universite du Quebec à Montreal (UQAM). More Information

Bernard Brunon

Artist who has based his artistic practice on “building painting as the ultimate act of painting”. He initially aimed to make paintings going beyond the established codes of representation of art history. The artist created a construction painting company called “That’s Painting Productions” whose slogan is “The less there is to see, the more there is to think about”. More Information

Ghislain Mollet-Vieville

He initiated the profession of art agent” in 1973, thus showing his interest in the management of art in its relationship with society. He is art critic, Honorary Expert at the Paris Court of Appeal and member of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA). He has been an active contributor to the Biennale de Paris. His apartment on rue Beaubourg (Paris) has been reconstituted at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Geneva (Mamco). More Information

Loic Depecker

Linguist and terminologist, he is the “founder and the president of the French Society of Terminology”. He is professor and Director of Research (Language Sciences) University of Paris Sorbonne (Paris III). He was an advisor to the European Commission (DG XIII), (1996-2006) and one of the head of DGLFLF (Direction Générale de la Langue française et des langues de France a department of Ministry of Culture and Communication. More Information

Gilles Clement

Landscape designer who invented the notion of “third landscape”. He is professor at the College de France and the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Paysage de Versailles. He is also the author of several works and concepts that influenced the field the landscape at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of this century, including “Jardins en mouvement”, “Le jardin planétaire” and “Le Tiers paysage”. More Information

Anne Steiner

Lecturer in sociology at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense and a member of the SOPHIAPOL Research Lab. She is the author of reference works on the Red Army Fraction, the anarchist individualist movement and social struggles in the “Belle Epoque”. She has participated in the Biographical Dictionary of the French-speaking libertarian movement published in 2014. More Information

Christian Ruby

Philosopher and Member of the Association for the Development of Cultural History (ADHC, 2006), Entre-Deux Association and the Tunisian Association of Aesthetics and Poetics (ATEP). He is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the Institute for Art and the City. Member of PAC (Cultural Presence and Action) he is a regular contributor to Observatoire des politiques culturelles, and director of “Journal Raison”. More Information

Guillaume Aubry

Artist and architect. He was practitioner at ENDA (ex Iheap) during the Session VIII (2012-2014). His artistic approach consists in “Questioning the production and reception of works of art by integrating their deceptive potential in order to reveal the existence of a deceptive way of art”. With architects Cyril Gauthier and Yves Pasquet, he founded the architectural firm Freaks. More Information

Steven Wright

Contemporary art critic and curator, he has written numerous articles and produced “para-artistic” practices exhibitions. His research focuses on “practices with a low coefficient of artistic visibility”, practices whose artistic visibility is deliberately weakened, pertaining to art while having a value specific to another field. Member of AICA and Program Director at the International College of Philosophy. En savoir plus.

Alain Farfal

Art critic, journalist and professor of general culture at the Institute of Applied Arts in Montpellier. He has published numerous articles in prestigious journals and organized exhibitions in institutions, specifically in France but also in United States, Canada and Germany. More Information

Jean-Baptiste Farkas

Artist who operates under the identities IKHEA©SERVICES and Glitch. He was President of Amicale of the Paris Biennale. For him, the practice of art must question the notions of artist, work, or the place where it is shown in order to problematize them. His work consists in “offering instructions that can be put into practice”, where normally an artist is expected to produce an art work and exhibited it. More Information

Francesco Masci

Philosopher who asserts that modern culture is the place where “the subject of occidental metaphysical tradition, having been expelled from the society, finds refuge as a fictitious subjectivity”, meaning as an aggregate of self-referential images. The events of modern culture inscribe the subject into a neutralised temporality through which the aggressive will to tackle society inevitably turns into an apology for that same society. More Information

Cedric Mong-Hy

Indisciplinary researcher he was Director of research at Ecole Superieure d’art – The Reunion Island. He works around the question of piracy in art and his relation to the notion of insularity. On his famous book is about the Georges Bataille, “Bataille cosmique – Du système de la nature à la nature de la culture”. More Information

Simon Teroy

Coach-artist, “as an art production he offers physical activities as much as commando actions or strategy games”, leading him to borrow various identities. He was the head of the admission office of the Paris Biennale. More Information

Marine Legrand

Researcher in charge of monitoring and research at OCAPI program (Laboratoire Eau, Environnement et Systèmes Urbains / Leesu). The objective of this program is to explore “possible paths for the development of sanitation systems” that would make it possible to challenges the 21st century. More Information

Philippe Mairesse

Artist and founder of the platform Acces Local. He explores “concepts and methods” of intervention for organizations around strategic vision, innovation, development of potential, business management and better living at work. He works where value is created, where society is built. More Information

Jeffrey Perkins

Artist who collaborated in the 1960s with Fluxus artists including George Maciunas and Yoko Ono. He worked as a “artiste taxi driver” for many years and, advised by Nam June Paik, he recorded all the conversations that took place in his taxi between 1995 and 2002. He embodied the avant-garde ideal to merge art and life. More Information

Giovanni Tusa

Researcher of philosophy and media, he is Director of the Institute for Critical Media and Cultural Studies (The Global Center For Advanced Studies, Michigan). He is also Visiting Researcher of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR), Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Ambassador of Goldsmiths University for Italy and Member of the Royal Institute of Philosophy. More Information

Henry Flynt

Philosopher, avant-garde musician, he is a anti-art activist associated with Conceptual Art and Fluxus. In 1961 he has formulated the term “Concept Art”, co-published by Jackson Mac Low and La Monte Young in “An Anthology of Chance Operations”. In this book, Flynt invented an art which material is the concept and its beauty is similar to mathematical formulas. More Information

Steven Henry Madoff

Curator, critic and author whose most recent book “Art School – Propositions for the 21st Century” was published by MIT Press. He was the executive editor of ARTnews from 1987 to 1994 and has written for Time Magazine, The New York Times, Artforum… He is on the founding faculty of the MFA in Art Practice at the School of Visual Arts in New York. More Information

Franck Leibovici

He explores the notion of poetic documents that give us a new conceptual and perceptual apparatus for grasping public problems. The poetic document is a producer of knowledge through a process of description and reprocessing of knowledge. More Information

Arsene Caens

Researcher, he develops a practice of “research-creation involving a continuous investigative work on the forms of activity and aesthetic existence”. He wrotes a thesis at Institut des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Ehess). He is a founding member of cadrans.org, a platform of contemporary creation. He is also member of a collective of arts and sciences, Oscar Romeo. More Information

Denys Riout

Art historian and professor emeritus of modern and contemporary art history at the University of Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne. He has publish several books among : “Yves Klein. L’aventure monochrome”, Paris, Gallimard, Coll. Decouvertes, 2006; “La Peinture monochrome. Histoire et archeologie d’un genre”, Paris, Gallimard, Coll. Folio Essais, 2006; Yves Klein, “Manifester l’immateriel”, Paris, Gallimard, Coll. Art et artistes, 2004. More Information

Aurelie Bousquet

Artist, coach and interviewer she develops the status of the artist entrepreneur. She is PhD of Aesthetics of Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne and the author of the thesis “The artist entrepreneur, his clients, his shareholders”. Her work is around the relationship between art and business and advises artists & contemporary art collectors. More Information

Auguste Legrand

Artist and founder of the Guide Legrand des buffets de vernissage and of the Académie Legrand. The guide analyses and classifies oppenings through five elements: location, speeches, service, table, conversation. The appreciation will then ranked in term of the number of peanuts: six, four, two or zero. More Information